SF Classiques 007 / by MELINDA Schmidbauer


A Brief (?) History of SF Productions--Part 7

Background music was always helpful when we made the SF tapes--it helped us get into whatever silliness was required, and it covered up dead spots when we couldn't think of something to say.

I didn't have a lot of music of my own, so sometimes I would raid my brother's record collection. Early Kraftwerk seemed to work well as "trip music" for Bored of the Rings, so it got a lot of play during the middle episodes. It's also good to indicate a flashback, otherwise difficult to do in audio form. I never planned the music in any detail--just dropped the needle on the LP (yes, Virginia, there was a time before digital music) and started the tape.

Usually, this would just provide some atmosphere, but on one occasion, happenstance made the music fit perfectly. I'm speaking of Gandalf's return, and the main subject of this clip. Listen for Gandalf (Eric) showing his magical abilities--I swear we didn't plan this.

Of course, things quickly devolve into a battle, which means that Mike, Bill, Mark, Eric and I get to make bad war sound effects.

Don't worry, we will finish up BotR next time.