Justice League America #64/65 / by MELINDA Schmidbauer

The Revenge of Starbreaker!  At War with Starmaker!

Special Double Entry today.  I didn't like this arc very much, so I am just writing about it once more.  

In #65, Starbreaker looks a little like a cross between a vampire and a elf.  He doesn't quite have fangs, but those eyeteeth look pretty sharp.  The first page really gives the impression that he's about to sink his fangs into Maxima's neck.  That's one problem of reading these so long after release.  It is hard to pinpoint what else might be going on in the pop culture world at the time, and thus might be influencing the comic.  (Ah, for a time before Twilight.)

I am getting a little tired of this book now.  The constant fighting of villains, rather than amongst themselves, makes it a typical comic.  There is a bit of the old give and take between the members, but the story really focuses on the battle(s) with Starbreaker.  StarB is going to suck all the energy out of Almerac, destroying it to gain power.  The arrival of the JLA is going to help him, as he will be able to get more power to destroy the world sooner.  Good job, guys!

Tara is still making goo-goo eyes at Supes.  Bloodwynd is still being mysterious.  Guy is gone, of course.  Rant rant rant, fight fight fight, Almerac is saved.  The only part I liked is that Beetle was able to be the one to actually defeat Starbreaker.  And Booster almost missed the boat back to Earth (after Maxima is exiled).  

I also noticed that a lot of the letters actually include full addresses for people, and they are asking for pen pals.  Now that is a concept that seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird.  Who needs a postal pen pal now, with the number of discussion boards and forums online, as well as email and Twitter and Facebook.  Do kids these days even know what a pen pal is?

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