Justice League #47 / by MELINDA Schmidbauer

So, the General Glory saga continues.  All five parts are in the JLI title, so I didn't have to pull any extra titles.  That is good.

As we start off, we learn what the rest of the gang was up to while Guy was at the comic book convention.  They were all off to observe Mr. Miracle perform in Washington Square park.  They are all observing from the Beetle craft, when it appears that the escape goes wrong.  Beetle picks up the safe, in which Mr. Miracle is supposedly trapped, with a big grappling hook, and they start to carry it back to the JLA headquarters.  But what do we see?  Scott Free and Oberon in the crowd, almost cursing Beetle's interference.

There are lots of Bwah-ha-has in this issue!  Beetle is having a roaring good time.  

While on the way back to headquarters, the safe, still dangling underneath the Beetle-mobile, opens, and Mr. Miracle falls out.  But it is not Scott Free!  It is someone else.  What could be going on?

Meanwhile, back at Headquarters, Guy is trying to convince J'onn that Captain General Glory should join the JLA.  No one knows him except as a comic book hero, but Guy insists he is the real thing.  And we also learn that Scott is training a replacement Mr. Miracle.  Hmmm, how does that work, I wonder?

While all this is going on, General Glory's arch-nemesis is plotting to get him, and blows up his hideout.  While trying to put out the fire and rescue any squatters in the building, the JLA and General Glory run into a giant Nazi robot.  Do robots sell as many comic books as gorillas?  Do Nazis sell as many comic books as gorillas?  

Of course, the JLA prevails, but the nemesis escapes to fight another day (this is a five part series).  And the JLA ends up with a dog, and with a hero that can actually keep Guy Gardner in line (Yes, Sir!).